Re: voteing

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> can it be with you name and address
> on the same "notes"

Well, looking at my postal voting stuff, there is only a serial number on the vote paper (which is sufficiently short to be non unique over the entire region and thus non-identifiable). I know it's been a while since I've visited a polling station (having been a postal voter ever since the rules were changed and everyone could register for it), but I seem to remember the serial numbers of the ballot papers were noted there...

> 3..and you cannot trust the post to get to
> the place it spoz to

There's no reason you can't just deliver it in person to the address if you don't trust the royal mail (of course, in the case of someone trying to influence the results -- how do they know what is inside two sealed envelopes?)

> 4 how do you know how the vote went...there
> cannot be a recount on a pc only a fix

It's still a case of counting bits of peper with a postal vote. That can be recounted dead easy.

> i have never wasted a vote..even if
> it ment voteing for all on the same paper so
> it counld not be counted...

But surely that's a wasted vote? -- In the sense that it wasn't counted. A more constructive protest would be standing as a candidate youself?

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