Re: decaff

Posted By:

> not v interesting really....well i could
> blag a really good stort but,,,i was sitting
> at comp thinking of a name ,,, drank my
> coffe and hey nescafe theres my
> name.........
this room seems to be fighting to get air..lets try something else...why all that cash on statues? even one in stone saying ellesmere port opt police the time you have got there you have past at least 14 signs telling you were to go...maybe its to tell you your here to trap the traffic going to the cheshire oaks..i am a portite born an bred but the port has gone we dont have the police, a hospital..shops that dont stay open for long,i can only think of two..littlewoods and asda and may any god help us a fire station that will be moving down were the work used to be,talk about putting the cart before the horse? the horse died years ago...lets see if this stats it off:)

Messages In This Thread

  • decaff
    steve — 4 Mar 2004 at 17:36